Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lil' guy with big book


Erik P. said...

I think that this is a great picture. In particular, I think that the leading lines from the book are perfect for drawing attention to the baby in the chair. Also, I think think that the angle and range of the lens seems to put the viewer at an even level with the subject and give an "ahh cute" sensation.

mmoettus said...

I love love love this picture Narah! I really really like how the book is in the foreground, emphasizing the enormous size of the book to the little baby. I also like how you used a flat angle to make it seem as if we are sitting down to help the little kid read his book. The lighting draws our attention to the book, and then up to the kids face. This is a really adorable picture.

Karwehn K said...

In my opinion, although the child is the subject, the book is the most important object in this photo. Initially, we are drawn to the book because it is the lightest object in the picture. Once our eyes have seen the whiteness of the book, the books edges take us up to the child who, compared to the book, is a tinsy winsy 'wittle' toddler.

Samantha said...

I thought this picture was really creative! The use of the flat angle really allows you to get on the same level as the subject (in my opinion also the baby.) I think people are drawn to this picture because it is not something we would see in our everyday.

Shane I. said...

I think one of the best parts of this picture is how the baby's eyes are focused down on the book, as if it were actually reading it. They act as leading lines down to the book, and it kind of makes you wonder what the book is.